125th Power of Paint Party… Family Rules Update
Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s Power of Paint Party… a party for those of us who adore paint!!!
A few months ago I shared with you guys how I created our Family Sign. This really was a cool, fun way to make it. (You can check out the tutorial here).
After staring at it for a few months I decided I really wanted to the letters to be darker. So out came my little paint brushes and some black acrylic paint that I really watered down… probably 2 parts water 1 part black paint.
This was a tedious job.
For me working quicker on detail tends to come out cleaner, but it still took me about an hour to do.
Now you can read it better.
Still need to hang this big sign. You can check out my plywood art I created a few years ago too. They are a beast to hang.
I might sand the letters a bit??? Just to roughen it up a bit.
So what have you been painting?
Power of Paint Party Rules:
#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.
#2… I’d love if you put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post or a link back to this party somewhere on your blog… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too. (not a requirement but always appreciated)
#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.
Maryann, your signs are lovely! Love the whitewashed wood with the black letters! So very lovely! Thanks for hosting the partay!
great sign maryann! Isn’t it funny how we change things up after a while?
thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! Love the sign!
Love the sign..LIKE REALLY LOVE!
Thanks for hosting!!!!
Love your sign! I’ve been itching to try a large one like that. Thanks for hosting the paint party
Thanks for the party Maryann. I see several projects I am heading over to check out. I love that it is “paint only!”!
Love your sign, especially the colors! Thanks for the party Maryann.
Thanks Janet!
Hi Maryann, thanks for hosting the party. Love to link up, Kathy
You’re welcome Kathy… love when you link up!
Stumbled across you today and so glad I did! Awesome links in your party this week!
Glad you found me Cyndi!
Love the sign! And thank you for hosting!
Thanks Kristin!
What an awesome sign Maryann! Love the rustic feel and soft colors!
Thanks Sharon!
Love your signs, but they don’t need to be difficult to hang.. Have you ever tried using a cleat to hang them? Super easy and a small one will hold 75 lbs! – Susan