decorating | Fall | FREE | kids
Fall Decor… look outside…
Last week my parents came out for a visit and we decided to take the kiddos up to Oak Glen after school. Oak Glen, also know as “Apple Country” to my kids is a quaint apple picking town not too far from our home. One of the places we stopped at was a park with all these beautiful oak trees… with of course acorns on the ground. So we collected a ton of these beauties!
Fill up an old jar and instant fall decor…
and a great reminder of a sweet memory!
Pinecones collected by little hands on a walk are beautiful on a simple plate.
These are some of my favorite decor… simple and full of memories!
So if you’re looking for some cheap and beautiful ways to decorate for all…
head outdoors.
Plan a fun day as a family and see what you can find!
We love grabbing stuff from the outdoors to bring in. My little one is always on the lookout now for things for mommy to decorate with that are free.
I love the outdoors, and I love making memories, so you KNOW I love everything about this idea!
Yes! Just put those acorns on a cookie sheet and stick them in around 275 or so for a few hours. Those worms turn into little moths I think. You will not like them.
Sounds like a wonderful and fun day. I love the acorns and the pinecones. Perfect. Hugs, Marty
Just remember to BAKE your acorns… I got some last fall and did not bake them as soon as I got home and the bag had maggots in it the next morning… So I baked them and all is good now…
What a wonderful memeory you captured and are able to visit it everyday…
I'm all about FREE and making wonderful memories with our families. Thanks so much for sharing and HAPPY FALL!!!
I love the look of nature coming indoors. And I loved collecting handfuls of acorns on the way to school as a kid.
I was considering putting some in a vase this year but I read this horror story on a blog about someone doing so and waking up to a vase full of weird maggoty bugs. Apparently bugs lay eggs in acorns frequently. Ew.
So I bought faux acorns from my local dollar store instead (they look just like the ones at Pottery Barn!)
What a great idea.
Yep! Leaves, pinecones, seed pods, branches, twigs, and sticks…even just a bowl of apples from a tree…..I love symbols of nature and use them in my decor all the time!
Cute! I love that little hands found these treasures. I know they love that you kept them in a prominent spot for all to see. I have done the same but added a bit of color with moss here and there. I love fall. It is so pretty and comfortable. I think Cozy!
Sweet memories all tied up in simple things… what could be better.
Darling post. Makes me long for when my cildren were little!
Thank you.
So true, best memories are the free ones!